
Invitation to Presentation Pros Toastmasters – Monday, October 12, 2015 Meeting

This is an invitation and reminder for our upcoming meeting, on October 12, 2015. Please forward this email to invite colleagues and friends, because their presence and input help us gain presentation expertise!

The theme of the meeting is “archeology.” This could be in the scientific sense, or as a metaphor for “digging up things from the past,” as some cultures do during this time of year (Dia De Los Muertos, for example)! Please invite some guests to join us for this meeting that is sure to offer great discoveries.  By the way, guests can invite guests too.  Click here for time and location.

Toastmaster: Larry Bishop
Opening words: Moe (guest)
Speaking Tip (or, Innovator):  Marie Azzaria
Timer:  Carol Gemberling Stewart
Speakers*: Jen Wu, Nick Woolf, and Ximeng
General Evaluator: Mary Joe Alburger
Evaluators: Nathan Ohren, Randy Rightmire, and Sandra Eacret
Discussion Leader: Martina Young
Discussion Leader Evaluator:  Bob Fancome
Rooney: Grace Rachow
Back-up Speaker: ________

* Speakers please email Larry with your introduction and send Ron your Powerpoints no later than the Saturday before the meeting.

Members please send RSVP or questions to:  Grace – or 682-6943

  • PLEASE NOTE THE MEETING TIME: 7:00PM to 9:00PM – please arrive at least 10 minutes early


Meeting Recaps

Invitation to Presentation Pros Toastmasters – Monday, September 14, 2015 Meeting

This is an invitation and reminder for our upcoming meeting, on September 14, 2015. Please forward this email to invite colleagues and friends, because their presence and input help us practice our presentation expertise!

The theme of the meeting is “Viva Mexico!” Yes, Santa Barbara Fiesta is making a brief come-back, because the actual Mexican Independence Day is Wednesday, September 16th. So please invite some guests to the party.  By the way, guests can invite guests too.  Click here for time and location.



Toastmaster: Sandra Eacret
Opening words: Annie Dai
Speaking Tip (or, Innovator):  Mary Joe Alburger 
Timer: Linda Wisner
Speakers*: Randy Rightmire, Grace Rachow, and Ximeng
General Evaluator: Nathan Ohren
Evaluators: Marie Azzaria, Jen Wu, Carol Gemberling Stewart
Discussion Leader: Ron Guilbault
Discussion Leader Evaluator:  Michael Kwan
Rooney: Luis
Back-up Speaker: ________

* Speakers please email Sandra with your introduction and send Ron your Powerpoints no later than the Saturday before the meeting.

Members please send RSVP or questions to:  Grace – or 682-6943

  • PLEASE NOTE THE MEETING TIME: 7:00PM to 9:00PM – please arrive at least 10 minutes early

August  10, 2015 Meeting Recap

Marie Azzaria was our Presiding Officer and Grace Rachow was our Toastmaster for the evening.
As bizarre as it sounds, the theme for the evening was “Happy Birthday, Ron!”. Because it was Ron’s exact birth date, we all agreed to applause and cheer every time someone said that it was “Ron Guilbault’s Birthday.”

Opening words were shared by Sandra Eacret, expressing both celebration and a melancholy note of empathy (for putting Ron into this awkward position).

Remaining information forthcoming…

Meeting Recaps

Invitation to Presentation Pros Toastmasters – Monday, August 10, 2015 Meeting

This is an invitation and reminder for our upcoming meeting, on August 10, 2015. Please forward this email to invite colleagues and friends, because their presence and input help us practice our presentation expertise!

The theme of the meeting is “Happy Birthday, Ron!” Is there any better way Ron could possibly celebrate his birthday, but to be with Toastmasters and guests?  By the way, guests can invite guests too.  Click here for time and location.



Toastmaster: Grace Rachow
Opening words: Sandra Eacret
Speaking tip or innovator: Carol Gimberling-Stewart (did I spell that right?)
Timer: Michael Kwan
Speakers*: Lesley Torgeson* (Ice-breaker!), Marie Azzaria* and Jen Wu*
General Evaluator: Bob Francome
Evaluators: Nick Woolf, Luis, and Randy Rightmire
Discussion Leader: Nathan Ohren
Discussion Leader Evaluator:  ______________
Rooney: Larry Bishop
Back-up Speaker: ________

* Speakers please email Grace with your introduction and Powerpoints no later than the Saturday before the meeting.

Members please send RSVP or questions to:  Grace – or 682-6943

  • PLEASE NOTE THE MEETING TIME: 7:00PM to 9:00PM – please arrive at least 10 minutes early

July  13, 2015 Meeting Recap

Nathan Ohren was our Presiding Officer and Marie Azzaria was our Toastmaster for the evening.
The theme was “Leadership”.

Opening words were shared by Annie Dai to put us in the mood for a great meeting on Leadership.

Ron Guilbault – “Be Careful What You Ask For”
Linda Wisner – “Weddings, Toastmasters, and Push-Ups!” (A wonderful Ice-Breaker!)
Michael Kwan – “Leadership vs. Management” (Another wonderful Ice-Breaker!)
Grace was the Discussion Leader, inviting us to share the ways in which we embrace and resist change.

Larry Bishop was the General Evaluator & Sandra Eacret was our timer.
Jen Wu, Christine Campos (guest) and Bob Francome were evaluators.
Nick Woolf gave us a hilarious “Rooney”, complaining about the proliferation of Customer Surveys.

In addition to the roles above, we had 5 guests in attendance. We hope that MaryJo Alburger, Annie Dai, Masaaki Ogawa, Moe Mahjoub, and Christine Campos will join us again at the next meeting, or very soon thereafter.